IFCN Dairy
Processor Report
Get your personal copy NOW!
Benchmark your company against the 20 biggest dairy processors worldwide.
The latest version of the IFCN Dairy Processor Report contains
- 20Company profiles
- 24Parameters per company
- 7Year time frame
Compare your company with how the world's leading dairies perform on People, Planet and Profit.
Why to buy this report?
- Understand how much milk processing contributes to society.
- Benchmark your dairy company among the 20 biggest dairy processors worldwide.
- Get inspired on how companies tackle sustainability efforts.
- See how the processing sector was doing during the pandemic and their sustainability.
- Learn what the report can offer you for your operation and strategic planning.
What will you find in this report?
Parameters and analysis:
- EBITDA margin
- Net profit margin
- Staff productivity
- Tax rate paid
- Free cash flow
- Capital expenditures over depreciation
- Net sales per kg milk processed
- Capital employed per kg milk
- Average staff salary
- Staff cost per unit of sales
Parameters covered in the "Company Profiles Pages" with timeframe of the variables 2014-2022
- Time series charts for 3 different categories:
- Company size: net sales, milk processed, employees
- Margins: net profit margin, EBITDA margin, free cash flow (expressed per unit of sales)
- Ratios: capital employed per kg processed milk, capital expenditures, staff cost per unit of sales
- Status of the company in 2023 and CAGR 2014-2022
Net profit, total assets, current liabilities, average staff salary & average productivity - Averages for 2014-2022 for people & profit Contribution to farmers, employees & consumers, net profit, contribution to owners
- Reporting on planet monitoring
Chapter 1
The Top 20 dairy processors list sorted by milk intake
Chapter 2
Comparison of indicators for 2022 as well as a weighted average for the timeframe 2014-2022 summarizing results on profitability and productivity of the Top 20 dairy processors. Observations have been included providing you further insights and analysis.
Chapter 3
Dairy processor fact sheets, prepared for 20 companies, representing 23% of the world milk production, with comparable information on:
- Key developments of specific indicators
- Indicators on People, Planet, Profit
- Contribution to stakeholders in the society
- Company size like milk processed
- Margins like EBITDA margin
- Ratios like labour cost intensity
Chapter 4
IFCN Definitions and Methods: This chapter is dedicated to explain the methodology and assumptions used for the IFCN analyses. Moreover, it describes special company cases to understand more clearly how IFCN arrived at specific results.
Headquarter locations of the Top 20 milk processors in 2023
Top 20 dairy processors and their contribution to society
Why is it important?
The Top 20 dairy processors are responsible for some 40% of the global raw milk pool that is being processed in factories. Using a weighted average for raw milk processed, you receive an excellent proxy for the entire global dairy processing industry.
- All the world’s Dairy Processing Companies will use this report to benchmark themselves against any of the Top 20 companies.
- Policymakers will use this report to understand the dairy processing industry’s economic relevance, its contribution to feeding the world, and its unique value in giving farmers and staff a livelihood.
- The report also provides a state-of-the-art overview of the dairy processor’s progress and stated ambitions to reduce its environmental footprint. NGO's can use this report’s facts as a basis for their analyses, planning and communication.
How would you use a benchmark of your company against the 20 biggest dairy processors worldwide?
IFCN has created the world’s first dairy processor report: a fact list that makes your company comparable with a focus on our planet, people and profits! Instead of repeating opinions, we provide thought-leaders and people of action like you with insights and analysis about:
- The world’s Top 20 dairy processors performance related to People, Planet and Profit parameters.
- 15 parameters on the Profit dimension include the companie’s profitability (EBITDA margin, net profit) as an indicator of the company’s contribution to their respective owners.
- We cover the People dimensions with 6 measures like employment offered and salaries and pension contributions paid.
- On the Planet side, the various companies’ plans on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions are listed and compared. For this we use three parameters.
An example of the company parameters and charts from IFCN Dairy Processor Report 2021
Company size
Net sales
in mill USD
Milk processed
in mill kg milk equivalents
Employment provider
in full time equivalents
Profit margins
Net profit margin
as % of net sales
EBITDA margin
as % of net sales
Free cash flow margin
as % of net sales
Capital intensity
Capital employed per processed milk in USD/kg
Investment intensity
Capital Expenditure / Depreciation as %
Labour cost intensity
Total spent on HR as % of net sales
More than 130 dairy related companies use the data and knowledge as exclusive members of the IFCN network for their strategic planning.
Make better decisions based on analysis with comparable and global data