2nd IFCN Dairy Forum 2021

Greenhouse gas emissions from dairy and solutions for emerging dairy countries

18th of November 2021, 14:00-16:00 CET | Online

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Greenhouse gas emissions from dairy

main focus




dairy related companies


dairy related researchers


video recording

IFCN Dairy Forum 2021

18th of November 2021 | 14:00 - 16:00h CET

Event programme

  1. Session with the Executive Director of the Global Dairy Platform (GDP) on the latest development of the food systems summit and COP 26 in Glasgow and where dairy and GHG stand today.
  2. IFCN presentation about the status, trends, and forecast of GHG emissions from dairy with a special focus on emerging dairy countries.
  3. Panel discussion with dairy processors, researchers, and institutions focussing on ways to reduce GHG emission in emerging dairy countries.
Picture shows cow standing on the grass

Why is the topic important?

IFCN along with gold sponsors DeLaval and Danone and silver sponsors PerkinElmer, Agolin and Elanco are pleased to invite you to the 2nd IFCN Dairy Forum on : "Greenhouse gas emissions from dairy and solutions for emerging dairy countries"

Following up from our Dairy Conference in June, reducing dairy-related GHG emission in emerging countries can have the biggest impact to reduce “dairy GHG emission globally”. At the same time, emerging countries are often disproportionately affected by the consequences of climate change and face greater challenges regarding investments and food security.

IFCN is therefore organising this free and public global event with presentations, panel discussions, and a workshop to discuss the topic and to help create a better future for the dairy industry.

Impact of green policies on developed & emerging regions

Cost pressure on farmers in developed regions such as in the EU

  • Higher farm consolidation and less milk supply
  • Higher competition among farms & suppliers/processors

Possibilities for emerging regions to extend their markets

  • Key to success: technologies and farm efficiency!
  • Who can produce at affordable prices as costs for milk production are rising over the world

Why to focus on emerging countries?

Chart showing dairy emissions by segments in 2020
Dairy GHG emission by segments 20201

Emerging dairy countries account for:

  • 75% of the dairy related GHG emissions in 2021
  • 81% of milk production growth 2020 vs. 2021
  • 100% of the growth of dairy GHG emissions 2000 - 2020

Sources: 1. IFCN database status 3/2021, TIPI-CAL LCA model applied in 52 countries and estimation.

Developed countries: Mainly Europe, North America, Oceania, Japan, Israel, etc.

Emerging countries (developing countries): Mainly Africa, Latin America, Near & Middle East, Asia, etc.

Panellists & Speakers

Donald Moore

Donald Moore

Executive Director
Global Dairy Platform
Axelle Bodoy

Axelle Bodoy

Global Lead Regenerative Agriculture
Portrait of Tom Lee Bauer

Tom Lee Bauer

Principal Industry Specialist
IFC/World bank, USA
İdil Yiğitbaşı

İdil Yiğitbaşı

Vice Chairperson
Jennifer Provost

Jennifer Provost

Researcher, Animal Husbandry in the tropics and subtropics
University of Göttingen
Portrait of Paul Wood

Prof Paul Wood

Chair GALVmed Board
Chair of Technical and Scientific Committee

IFCN Events 2021 and its participants

Breakdown by countries

World map showing locations of IFCN events

Breakdown by segments

Breakdown by segments

The top 4 IFCN Conferences

More than 1500 people related with the dairy sector joined IFCN events in 2020 and 2021!

  • IFCN Dairy Conference in June 2021
    100 researchers from more than 80 countries
    650 participants 190 companies
  • IFCN Supporter Conference in September 2021:
    750 participants from more than 72 companies
  • IFCN Emerging Dairy Regions Forum in November 2020:
    421 participants
  • IFCN Processors, Profit, People, Planet Conference in December 2020:
    333 participants from different regions of the world

95% of the participants graded IFCN events with very good or good

Participants rating
Average ratings from IFCN events in 2020
Join us to help the dairy industry to create a better future
Torsten Hemme, CEO and Founder of the IFCN
Virtual meeting Virtual meeting


Join us to help the dairy industry to create a better future.

Contact Us

For further information about the IFCN products or IFCN Dairy Research Network, please contact us using the contact data provided below:

IFCN Dairy Research Network
Schauenburgerstr. 116 - 24118 Kiel, Germany
VAT-ID no. : DE 295011907
Federal tax number: 20/291/45048
See also our social media channels