4th IFCN
Visions for winning strategies in developing dairy markets
participants expected
dairy related companies
good & excellent rating in 2022
2 hours
online event
About the forum
Building on IFCN's project work in developing markets, we would like to bridge the big picture of the dairy market with the realities on the ground. With the IFCN Dairy Forum, we would like to open the topic to the public and expand the discussion. We are looking to answer questions like: What can successful dairy strategies look like? How can feasibility and progress be defined and how will it be measured?
The forum programme
Online Wednesday, 29th of November 2023,
(CET) All hours are shown in Central European Time
Visions for winning strategies in developing dairy markets
Why is the topic important?

Milk price & input costs
Declining milk price & stabilizing but high levels input costs.

Milk supply
Slowing down in production growth mainly due to the base year effect and squeezed farm margins.

Milk demand
Improving but with uncertainty in the continuity as inflation and interest rates remain high.
Panellists & Speakers
What is unique about this event
IFCN Events 2022 and its participants
Breakdown by countries

Breakdown by segments

The top 4 IFCN Conferences
More than 1500 people related with the dairy sector joined IFCN events in 2020 and 2022!
IFCN Dairy Conference in June 2022
100 researchers from more than 80 countries
650 participants 190 companies -
IFCN Supporter Conference in September 2022
750 participants from more than 72 companies -
IFCN Dairy Forum in 2022
805 registrations, 13 panellists, 450 unique viewers
95% of the participants graded IFCN events with very good or good

Join us to help the dairy industry to create a better future
